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Milwaukee 17 oz. Smooth Face Framing Hammer

So if you are a craftsman, woodworker, handyman, or just plain DIYer then you use a hammer. These days hammers are a dime a dozen. Every body makes one and they all do the same job, driving/removing nails and beating stuff. However in todays market of lighter weight and ergonomics hammers have taken many new forms. They range in price from a few dollars to hundreds.

If you are like me, you don’t use a hammer enough to make it worthwhile to spend hundreds on a hammer. However your elbow doesn’t want you to go to cheap either.

When I was coming up my dad always told me there was only one brand worth their salt, Estwing. For years Estwing has been the only brand I have bought....until recently. Now as all of the new hammers have come out I have borrowed a few and used some at the stores. None of them have impressed me as much as my old faithful 22oz smooth face. And then I got my hands on the new Milwaukee.

This has changed my view on hammers. It is lighter than my 22oz but hits harder. It is ballanced just right. They have designed it to be vibration reducing and I have to say, it works. I can use this hammer all day and not feel it in my tennis elbow and hands.

As far as the claw goes I feel it has great leverage for pulling and prying.

If you are looking for a great hammer for under $50 (about $39, I got mine at Ram Tool) then this is the hammer for you.


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