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There are some tools that brand doesn’t seem to matter. At first glance an off brand may seem just as good as the name brand, and at a discounted price. Most of the time however that type of thinking is wrong. Sometime we are unfortunately drawn to a tool because of its price point and tend to ignore quality and precision. For me this has been the case with ratcheting wrenches. I have always wanted a set but the name brand ones always seemed a little to high priced. I would grab one or two of the cheap ones for the shop guys and feel like I had done my due diligence to save the company a few bucks. This type of think is unfortunately part of what is wrong with the economy. We are more likely to buy something that “works” from a big box store, over a quality item from a smaller one. A few weeks ago I had the opportunity of meeting one of the sales reps from Gearwrench. He asked me what I knew about their products. I told him honestly all I knew was the gear wrench itself. I also told him I was more prone to buy the off brand just because it was cheaper. That’s when it got interesting. He started to show me some of the features of theirs. One of the biggest ones I took note of was the gear itself. Gear wrench uses drive gear with less teeth than most brands. This means the the teeth are bigger and have more bite, translation: less slippage. Ow my first question was: doesn’t this also mean more travel to engage the gears. If I am in a tight spot I want the minimalist amount of travel possible. Well he had an answer for that. Gear wrench has designs a dual or alternating ratchet. This means it acts like it has twice as many teeth. I still wasn’t sold. So I went home and tried it out. Let me tell you something. Gear wrench made the big box brand look like a “dog” :). The first thing I noticed was how smooth they are. They don’t slip at all. Now I still wouldn’t use the gear end to hang on and sock a bit home. However they have no slip whatsoever. Also what really caught my attention was the return. With other brand ratchets I feel like when I go against the ratchet there is a lot of slop and slip, sometimes even a bit of a struggle to make it reverse. The gear wrench had none of that. The action was very smooth. The travel between as minimal as advertised. I really have nothing bad to say about these. They are designed for tight spaces so the Handel is thin. This makes it a hard hold of you are putting your weight into it. But again you can’t have a tight place wrench and a big grip. If you happen to be in the market for a ratcheting wrench then I highly recommend giving these a chance. Out of the ones I have used they are very high quality and show why the company staked their name on their product.

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